Psychic + Business Intuitive
I help you get more clarity.
We investigate the very things that prevent you from getting what you want.
I'm a great resource for accomplishing your goals.
Information can help you make best decisions and move forward on the best path. Insight is easier to swallow with your permission (chocolate also helps.) Over thirty one years ago, while I was pregnant with my daughter, I began reading for individuals in my home, at their house, in the great outdoors, and occasionally in unique places, such as beside a hospital bed, or at a Hospice House.
Helping people get what they want, sorting out dreams, hopes, wishes, and coming up with a solid plan of action to get there, is my forte! I love, adore, revere, have passion for, am humbled by, my gifts.
My clients come from within the United States, in Brazil, France, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Panama, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Argentina, Paraguay, Turkey, and Spain - most of whom I haven’t met in-person, yet know their Souls. One day, I hope to meet each and every one of you, face-to-face, to
acknowledge your courage,
The conviction in having a session with me, to accept a life that beckoned you from birth, amazes and inspires me.
The readings are a conversation.
A question is posed and the response comes out, like a novel I have read, a movie I am watching, or recording I have transcribed into my own words.
From my own personal experiences, I speak my truth, which connects me to you. We might even become long-time friends.
I’m ever so grateful for you to join the thousands who have worked with me. We will, as partners, take your questions about love, health, finances, relationship to the world, a life purpose, as well as past lives, bringing them to the forefront for investigation.
Information is power. Think BIG, act as if, be creative, and own your joy.
Walk with me. Talk to me. Ask me.
You are a prime reading candidate if you're:
Suffering and in pain
Confused about your purpose
Struggling with health issues (or fear a repeat of a genetic pattern)
Wanting a loving and kind relationship
Woriedy about the kids or parents
Knowing there is more to life but uncertain how to attain it
Curious about past lives or people who have died
I can devise a Plan to process any one, or all of the above, in just one session!
I am...
A Psychic/Business Intuitive
Naturally gifted with insight and awareness
A voracious self-educator
A succinct communicator
Though you're always connected to Source, at times, it is difficult to feel guided. Thank you for being courageous enough to dig around in your Soul, ask the tough questions, and be willing to hear the powerful insights to self-wakefulness. Perhaps you'll see what stands in the way of getting what you want.